Television programming comprises my primary media interaction
and leisure and news programs represent 35 percent of the total time I allocate
to various forms of media. On average, I watch 75 minutes of television per day
which is comparable with the viewing patterns of my peers, with 29 percent of them
watching between one and two hours of TV on most days.
Like many students, I have to balance full-time study with part-time
work, extracurricular activities, a social life, etc., but each day, I need some
time to unwind. For me, this happens when I am able to sit in front of the TV
and watch the latest episode of My
Kitchen Rules, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries or The Vampire Diaries. Clearly, I have varied (and some might suggest
bad) taste in fictional television shows. Nonetheless, they give me the chance
to relax after a hard day’s study or work.
My preference for television news is shared by my peers,
with 71.1 percent stating that they consider television as their primary source
of news. I think that by watching television news, viewers are offered an easy
to comprehend, attractive, informed and engaging way to appreciate current
events. There are two programs I focus on: The
7.30 Report and Q&A both on ABC1. The 7.30 Report provides the best
analysis of local, national and international events from a truly Australian
perspective and Q&A is an
excellent example of combining current affairs, social media and an audience
largely derived from the general public.
It’s energetic, opinionated and
best of all, it’s live! To me, all of these elements make for a great journalistic
and the Internet
On average, I spend 97 minutes per day using the Internet and a large
proportion of this time is involved with Facebook. But I am not alone, with
97.3 percent of students admitting they have one or more Facebook account(s)
and 91.9 percent of these students stating that they spend the majority of their
online time interacting with this medium. This is incredibly high considering
that almost a third of students spend two to three hours on the Internet each
I do believe my use of Facebook would be classed as moderate to
low, averaging around 30 minutes per day over the ten day period. I only access
Facebook from my smart phone and find myself using this social networking site
mainly when I am bored. Having said this, Facebook is definitely my primary
form of online media production. I use it for uploading photos, organising
events and contacting my friends. For these reasons, I use Facebook purely for
social communication and interaction, as I believe the majority of users do.
Blog and Twitter
Before starting JOUR111 I had neither blogged nor tweeted and I
must admit I had never considered either. This places me in the majority
alongside my peers, with 70.8 percent stating they did not have a Twitter
account and 63 percent did not blog before starting JOUR1111. However, since
creating these accounts my online media production has significantly increased
and I suspect this is the case for most students. I now understand terms such
as ‘hashtage’, ‘retweeting’ and ‘stream’ and I have gained a much better
insight and appreciation for Twitter as a communicative tool.
I only listen to the radio when I am in the car and switch my time
fairly evenly between AM and FM stations. On the days that I actually do
listen, I average around 55 minutes which happens to be a return trip to
university for me. This again places me in the 53.9 percent of students
listening to the radio for less than one hour daily.
For AM stations, 612ABC
Brisbane and ABC Radio National
are my preference as they regularly broadcast up-to-date news reports, and have
excellently moderated talk-back programs that often feature controversial
issues. I am a classical musician and so I listen
exclusively to ABC Classic FM with a
particular attraction to the Classic Breakfast program hosted by Emma Ayres. Being
an ABC network and freed from commercial constraints, this station provides a
wonderful selection of music with hourly updates on current national and
international headlines.