Thursday, 24 May 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Online journalism is revolutionising the way news is reported and read. The rise of the Internet has irrevocably changed the way audiences interact with the news – stories are posted the moment they break and readers are becoming more accustomed to searching for and reading the news online. This Annotated Bibliography will explore this present issue regarding the future of ‘traditional’ journalism by examination of four texts presented using different mediums, expressing both similar and contrasting opinions.

Franklin, B. (2008). The future of newspapers. Journalism Studies, 9(5), 630-641.

            The author, Bob Franklin, is the Professor of Journalism Studies at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, and is the founding Editor of the journal in which this article is published. In this journal article, Franklin offers important insights into key debates concerning the ways in which journalism and newspaper publications are evolving under the influence of technological, cultural, economic and political changes. Franklin addresses a number of questions seeking to increase understanding of the roles of newspapers in the contemporary media landscape, by offering a theoretical and subjective examination at how the availability of online newspaper editions, citizen journalists and tabloid journalism are reshaping culture and mass media. Franklin constructs an interesting argument in his article suggesting that “impact of the Internet, as a factor explaining the decline of the traditional newspaper market, has perhaps been overstated” and that online news is not simply to blame for the decline of print media (2008, p. 632). The significant use of cross-cultural examples and scholarly perspectives adds credibility to the opinions expressed by the author thereby offering a unique and substantial contribution to the understanding of online news. This article is appropriate for scholars, researchers and students studying journalism and mass communication and will be of interest to anyone examining how people use the web as a source for news.

Fagan, D. (2012, May 19). Readership shows how we’ve changed. The Courier Mail, p. 58.
In this article, David Fagan draws upon his experience as the editor-in-chief of The Courier Mail and The Sunday Mail and provides an experienced perspective on the future of newspapers and traditional journalistic practise increasingly confronted with social media and online news sites. This work was compiled following a speech he presented to the University of Queensland Business School and American Chamber of Commerce and it is highly persuasive and based upon personal, albeit practical, experience. Fagan begins by suggesting that social media is not a new phenomenon and that good media has always been a ‘social’ act. Citing diverse examples, he explains how the forms, practises and mediums of online news have emerged as a result of the traditional structure and practices of existing media coupled with newly available technical capabilities. This is a perspective that is similar to Franklin’s (2008) discussed above. The author devotes particular attention to his personal experience with the newspaper, proffering a graph demonstrating that while there has been a modest decline in print readership, digital subscribers (through the iPad app, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and direct viewings) have more than compensated. Fagan concludes his article by assessing the implications digital news has for the future of journalism and offers advice to journalists regarding the importance of providing a diverse range of news platforms for readers.

Collins, S.J. (2012, March 29). Socialised media. The Global Mail. Retrieved from             

Sarah-Jane Collins, the author of this article, constructs an interesting argument in the matter of online news having worked as a journalist for The Age as an environment, science and technology writer. In this work, Collins addresses a number of questions seeking to increase readers’ understanding of the role held by online media and social networking in the contemporary news landscape. Her approach yields analytical insights into the current relationship between more traditional forms of reporting and the current mediums for online news, devoting particular attention to the factors that have influenced online media development. Beginning with an examination of the changing news cycle, Collins, using a quote from The Age editor-in-chief Paul Ramadge suggests that online journalism is revolutionising the way news is reported and read - stories are posted the moment they break, audiences are increasingly influencing the stories they receive and thus readers routinely expect a collaborative approach to news. Collins continues by highlighting the belief that social media, in particular Facebook, is what drives the news cycle and cites the KONY2012 campaign video as an example of the power and scope through the integration of news, advertising and social media. The author concludes with her predictions for traditional journalism and news reporting, suggesting that the future is an online one; a perspective shared by Fagan and Franklin above. Collins’ article makes a substantial contribution to the understandings of online journalism and social media, covering both the development as well as the impact of Internet-based news.

Slaven, K. (Producer), & Aedy, R. (Presenter). (2012, May 18). Journalism 2.0: The         
            future of journalism [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from      

            This podcast, presented by Richard Aedy and produced by Kyla Slaven, emanated from the Sydney Writers’ Festival and was subsequently broadcast on Radio National’s program Media Report. Aedy, having been a radio journalist and broadcaster for more than two decades, lends credibility to his discussion of how the digital age is changing both journalism and journalists and whether easier access to information will lead to greater government and corporate accountability. Unlike the other two articles discussed, Aedy’s approach, aided by the discussion with two guest speakers, takes a much more sceptical approach regarding the growth of online news believing that producing Internet news content is not a complete nor constructive form of journalism. Heather Brooke, a guest speaker, expresses her concern that online newspapers are indeed detrimental because advertisers are no longer interested in broadsheet and classified advertising. As the discussion continues, Aedy provides an insightful account of how popular digital communication has changed the relations of production and consumption, in addition to the effect that it has on political and cultural participation citing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as an example. What is most effective about this discussion is that Aedy consistently focuses on the shifting boundaries between popular and professional journalism as a result of the redistribution of news functions. 

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