Thursday, 19 April 2012

Plain and Simple

Over the past week or so, the case of plain tobacco packaging laws has hit the pages of our newspapers and the top stories on our television screens. Before this, I had very little knowledge about this legislation and I was surprised to hear that the laws were passed late last year!!

For those of you who were living in the dark just as I was, four big tobacco companies are challenging the plain packaging laws, which will require all cigarettes and tobacco products to be sold in plain olive-brown packs from December 2012. This case, which has caught international attention, is being heard by the full bench of the High Court. Tobacco companies are throwing everything they’ve got at the legal challenge because they are worried other countries could follow Australia's lead if the government wins.

I don’t want to spark a debate here (I am just a simple little blogger) but I am all for plain packaging just as I am for all warnings placed on cigarette packets. It’s not as though the government is trying to ban smoking. It is taking action to try and diminish the harm that smoking does to individuals and the Australian health system. Tobacco companies want to be able to make cigarettes look more attractive and keep selling their product.

Coming from a family where two members have confronted cancer as a result of smoking, I can gladly say that plain packaging laws are putting my mind at rest. Of course, people who smoke or have every intention of smoking will continue to do so, but if plain packaging stops just a few from taking it up, then this law is doing its job in my books. 

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