A picture paints a thousand words, but with Photoshop it paints a thousand lies! I often look through trashy magazines and tabloids and wonder, "do people actually buy this rubbish?" The amount of concocted photos and misinterpreted images that fills up a 100 page magazine is almost hard to believe.
extremity of photo editing never ceases to amaze me and I find it a little
concerning the majority of photos that do undergo photo-shop are of women. Dr BR brought a comparison of Beyonce’s extreme photo-shop
editing during the lecture. Here is another couple I found of her...
Is it even possible to turn your head this far? Go on, give
it a try!
I bet you've seen this one before...
This brings me to the Dove campaign video that Dr BR played
for us (twice!) I had been shown this video in high school. However, I was
struck again by its brevity and power to reinforce the idea that the reality
that is fed to us through advertising and the media is a often a construction.
If you haven’t yet seen this video, take a look.
The examination of three photos from Jonathon Thurston’s
Uncle’s funeral was very interesting. I did choose photograph 2 as the most
effective and it was great to see that other’s agreed on its excellent
juxtaposition. A late congratulations is in order for Marissa Calligeros for
sharing the same name as me and for winning the 2009 QLD News Photo of the Year
for her photo below!
I do not fancy myself a particularly good photographer,
although I do enjoy taking photos. So what makes a great photo?
- Framing
- Focus
- Angle & Point of View (POV)
- Exposure (or Light)
- Timing (Shutter speed)
- Capturing “The Moment”
I was on a holiday in South Africa last year and my boyfriend and I went on a safari in the Kruger National Park. This has to be one of my favourite photographs taken of an animal whilst we were travelling around. This photo has excellent focus and exposure, the colour contrasts are striking and it obeys the Rule of Thirds (Golden Mean).
After this lecture, I was inspired to research some original film ('moving pictures') as Dr BR didn't get much of a chance to delve into this area of photography. Perhaps I will focus my Factual Storytelling Exercise around pictures and photography.
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